Digging beneath the Surface
Now that we have the right and left hemisphere figured out, let's dig deeper underneath the two hemispheres. The brain is comprised of 4 main structures. The Brain stem, the Cerebellum, Cerebrum, and the Limbic System. Each one of these structures is important to the brain function. Without these different areas, the brain would not be as complex as it is. Continue on to the next link. Each link will go into more detail about each area of the brain. This picture provides each area. The brain stem is the piece that is labeled spinal cord, medulla, pons. Those are parts of the brain stem. The cerebellum is located on the left hand corner right above the spinal cord. The Limbic system is thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus. Lastly the Cerebrum is the wrinkly layer on top where all the lobes are located (We will go more into depth in further postings).
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