Brain Stem

The brain stem is located at the base of the brain as you can see from the picture above. It is right underneath cerebrum, and connects the brain to the rest of the spinal cord. The brain stem is in charge of our reflexes, when we are tired or awake, our breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. It is in contr
ol of you staying alive. Can you imagine what it would be like without it!
There are different parts that make up the brain stem. These parts include, the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. Here is an image that will help locate each of these parts:

MIDBRAIN: It is located at the top of the brain stem. The midbrain is responsible for sight, hearing, and body movement.

PONS: Pons are located within the brain stem, as you can see to the left in the picture. Pons help regulate sleep, and acts as a rely station for sensory information and movement.

Medulla Oblongata: Is located beneath the pons on the brain stem. It makes up the rest of the brain stem at the bottom. The medulla controls your breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure.

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