Learning Goals

My goal for you is to gain a better understanding on how the brain functions, and the components that make up the brain. Our brains are very complex. Learning about the brain helps us learn more about ourselves. As you move through the different parts of the brain at each stop, be sure to read all text, look at all the pictures,and watch any videos because there will be an in-class test on the human brain. This test will have both multiple choice and short answers, as well as a diagram of the brain that you have to label. For the diagram I will provide a list of all the parts.
Questions that you should be thinking about on this trip, and should know are the following:

1. Why is the brain important?
2. What system is the brain part of?
3. What are the 4 main structures of the brain? Where are the structures located?
4. What are each of the structures responsible for? Each structure contains parts, what are they?
(ex. Cerebrum contains the Frontal lobe)
5. What are the parts inside the structures responsible for?

Make sure you can answer all of the above questions. It may be helpful for you to answer the questions on a piece of paper as you move through this virtual field trip.

Please continue to Stop 3-Left and Right Hemispheres