Links to Learn More About the Brain Descriptions
1. Brain Exercies-This site has many fun games to keep your brain thinking. You can also register to start training before doing any of the activites. At the beginning it describes the brain, and the importance in keeping your brain thinking.
2. Fun Facts About the Brain- This is a fun site to check out to get fun facts about our brains. It's something you can go around telling your friends, and gives you more understanding of your own brains.
3. Kids Health-Great site that breaks down different organs in your body, how things function, gives you all kinds of information on the brain, as well as giving you diagrams to look at. It breaks it down simply, so you can understand what words, and different parts of the body actually do.
4. National Geographic The Brain-It organizes the different parts of the brain, and describes each part. It talks about unhealthy brains, and how to stimulate the brain. It goes into depth the different parts, and how they operate.
5. The Secret Life of the Brain-This site goes through the different stages of the brain from baby's brain to aging brain. Great site about the differences at each point in your life. It also goes through the history of the brain. Great site to check out.